“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” (Psychoanalysis Criticism)

Resultado de imagen para where are you going where have you beenThe story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?”is about girl named Connie, she cares her appearance and want other’s acceptance which she can hardly get from her family. Her mother always judges her and praises her sister. Her father just simply ignores them in daily life. Connie never feels close to any of her family members, and she prefers life out of home with her friend to a cinema, shopping mall and their favorite place, a drive-in restaurant where she feel free. The story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” has some social issue such as violence and rape. In the story Connie struggles in making decision to choose between ordinary family life and adventure with a stranger.  In the story appears the isolation and disaffection that Connie get from her family and confidence and feelings of taking control that she get when she is out as the psychological basis which cause her to choose leave in the end. June represents the perfect appearance that the society requires. Her mother becomes an “originator” who binds her by criticizing her bad behavior and recommending the good behavior. They together represent the “morality” of Connie that follows rules and limits the bad desire. All struggles stay on the psychological level. The confrontation between Connie and Arnold suggests the battle between the “ego” and “personality”. Arnold offers invitations and Connie refuses him records the fight between the “ego” and “personality” for control. In addition, there is no physical violence involved. Connie feels more and more powerless in the process till she totally surrenders to the temptation. She once resists when she realize that it’s dangerous to blindly follows the temptation and desires. The story of “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” tells how a girl fails to resist temptation of her desire and lead to self-ruin. There are several rounds of confrontation in which “ego” and “personality” trying to gain control. However, Connie surrenders herself to her desire at the end. 
At the end of the story, why does Connie decide to go with Arnold? Does she want to run away with him?




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