Hello! welcome to my personal blog about literary criticism. In this blog I pretend to show a different and fantastic world through great stories. I am going to give my ideas and opinions about some stories of traditional, sociological, mythological, formalist, psychoanalytical, structuralist, and feminist criticism. The stories name I´m going to critic are; "Thank You, M´am", "Harrison Bergeron", "Uglies", "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?", "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", and "Doll´s House". The porpuse of this blog is to use this amazing tool every single week to share with others my ideas and opinions about those nice readings I already mencioned before. My personal opinions are going to be formed based on class discussions and internet investigations. I expect to learn important aspects about above readings, and hope to enjoy those stories and enrich my critic point of view about reading.