Uglies (Sociological Criticism, Scott Westerfeld)

Resultado de imagen para ugliesThe novel “Uglies” is about “uglies” and “Pretties” when people are sixteen years old they have an operation to turn pretties because they born being uglies. After the operation they have to move to Prettie town because before sixteen  the live in Ugly town . This novel reflects a huge issue that our society is suffering. Most people want to be accepted for the society. Specially, teenagers want to be pretties, they compare by themselves with others and in many cases they do not accept the appearance they have because they think they are not as pretties as they want to be. Adolescents want to look like famous people, such as physically, how they wear, how they talk and also the way they act. But why people desire to be and look like other? Society think that they just can achieve the success if they are pretties, they can get a good job, have a beautiful family, have friends with a high status whatever make them feel happy. Currently, girls are suffering low self- esteem and they are doing whatever to look pretties. Moreover in the novel, new pretties have brain lesions when they have the operation to turn pretties, which means that they chance their physical appearance and the way they think, as well they just have parties every night and get drunk and use things to have more fun. This part of the story reveals that people are using drugs and when they are in its effects, people cannot think with clarity. When people use drugs they lose the perspective of the real world.

In the novel “Uglies” a few amount of people are not agree with the operation to turn pretties,  because they feel comfortable with their physical appearance and they accept how they look like and  they run a way. They represent people who are against the “Perfection” according to human beings; they believe they are pretties in the way God create them; they can look pretties even though they have imperfections. They are against drugs or any substance people can ingest because the achievement of the success depend more of the capacity, abilities and their personality not because they are pretties or how much fun people can have. The author of the novel “Uglies” makes a connection with the reality that our society are living. Society has to accept that perfection does not exist, and every single human being has his/her own charm. To look like the rest does not make sense. 
Why do people want to be perfect? Why do people cannot accept by themselves, their appearance, their thoughts and ideas?


  1. I think that many people today are obsessed with looking how the actors, actresses and models look. We are bombarded with perfection on television and online. It is sad. However, stories such as the "Uglies" might help a young person look past all that and accept themselves how they are.


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