

Throughout Literary Criticism I learn different types of criticism such as Traditional, Sociological, Formalist, Psychoanalytical and Mythological criticism. The stories I criticized were "Thank You, M´am", "Harrison Bergeron", "Uglies", “The Rocking Horse Winner”, "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?". Those stories are very interesting. When I read I can imagen if I were inside the stories. I could learn about the authors of each story because in their writing there is a part of their real life, they transmit a message to the readers, each story has its own purpose, and I could make different critics throughout them. I learned what I expected, important aspects about above readings, and I enjoyed those stories and enriched my critic point of view about reading. It is important to know that readings can teach people many things about life; people should enjoy reading and try to think about the readings messages.

Moana (Movie Analysis)(Formalist, Sociological, Psychoanalytical and Mythological Criticism)


Expressing Ideas and Reactions in English (IIPresentation)


Joice Carol Oates (I Presentation)


“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” (Psychoanalysis Criticism)

The story  “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” is about girl named Connie, she cares her appearance and want other’s acceptance which she can hardly get from her family. Her mother always judges her and praises her sister. Her father just simply ignores them in daily life. Connie never feels close to any of her family members, and she prefers life out of home with her friend to a cinema, shopping mall and their favorite place, a drive-in restaurant where she feel free. The story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” has some social issue such as violence and rape. In the story Connie struggles in making decision to choose between ordinary family life and adventure with a stranger.   In the story appears the isolation and disaffection that Connie get from her family and confidence and feelings of taking control that she get when she is out as the psychological basis which cause her to choose leave in the end. June represents the perfect appearance that the soci...

The Rocking Horse Winner (Formalist Criticism)

  The story “Rocking Horse winner” has the plot structure in chronological order starting when the children were little and as they have grown up . The story is being told in third person point of view. It appears as if it is being told by someone who is talking about the family, by peering into their lives. The setting of the story does not have a specific place, but it seems to be in the town area. In the story appears some conflicts, the first is the mother versus herself with an internal struggle, for instance when the mother fells that she needs more money, she does not earn enough money to have the lifestyle she has in that moment, and she wants to have a high status in the society. In real life, all the time people want more money; they do whatever to get it no matter if they do bad things, or if the hurt someone, they just want to have more money. People who have the ambition to get more money cannot be happy if they do not get it.  In the story the mother cannot ...

Beowulf (Mythological Criticism)

Beowulf. it is a poem in which the author is unknown, neither the time that was written. Currently there is film since 2007. In this poem/movie the characters face many struggles, for instance, Grendel is a demon and appears at the beginning the poem/movie, he kilt many people in the Hrothgar´s kingdom, and another demon is his mother, who wants to take revenge about Grendel’s dead. The hard circumstances and the conflicts that characters face in the mystic poem/film, is not the same as the real life, however at the moment people have many conflicts such as, violence, in every sense of the word. People are acting violently when they feel threatened, or they get mad for any hard situations. Revenge; currently people do whatever they want and if they do not get what they want, they take revenge, and, compared with the poem/film people takes revenge even for their jobs, family, and friends the unique difference is that in “Beowulf” the demon is who takes revenge not the people. In th...